Characteristics Influencing Usage of Modern Contraception
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Addis Abeba Universty
A case control study has been conducted in Tegulet and
Bulga Awraja/district, Northern Shoa Administrative Region.
The purpose of the study was to assess the various
characteristics influencing modern contraception usage among
users as compared to never-users and dropouts from family
planning clinics . A total of 848 women ages 15 - 49 were
interviewed. Among these, 41.4% were users while 42.1% and
16.5% were never-users and dropouts, respectively. In
addition, husbands of 150 users, 115 never users and 49
dropouts were interviewed.
EKaminat ~ on of the various socio-demographic and
reproductive characteristics showed significant differences
in most of the variables between users and never-users.
compared to never-users, users were older (mean age 27.1
years versus 25.9 years), more likely to be married (56%
versus 47 %) or divorced (31% versus 25%), have a higher mean
educational level (grade 5.3 versus 4.8), are more likely to
work outside the horne for cash payment (43% versus 28%),
belong to the high income class (30% versus 17%) and have
more ch il dren (2 live-children or more) (72% versus 45%).
The vast ma j ority of users ( 95%) scored 3 and above in
modern contraception knowledge whereas only 51% of the
never-users scored so high. Ni nety percent of the users'
husbands scored 3 and above on modern contraceptive
knowledge while only 71% of never-us ers' scored this high.
A higher approval of modern contraception and sex education
to school children was seen among users' husbands (99% and
88%, respectively) as compared to never-users (77% and 74%,
respectively). Husband-wife communication on family
planning was significantly higher among users (41%) than
never-users (15%).
Of the variables tested between users and dropouts very
few significant differences were demonstrated. Current
users had used modern contraception for a mean period of
23.5 months while dropouts had used it for a mean period of
17.9 months. A higher proportion of dropouts were found to
be dissatisfied with the method refil l interval compared to
users (1 9% versus 10%) .
Multiple regression showed that of the variables measured,
the number of pregnancies a woman had had, modern
contraception knowledge and age, were the main predictors of
usage of modern contraception (R2 = .13).
Desire t o have more children (40%), having no
husband/sexual partner (19%) and fear of adverse effects of
modern contraceptives (15%) were given as the major reasons
for nonuse of modern contraceptives by the never-users.
Dropouts cited the desire to have additional children
( 27% ), becoming pregnant (21%), fear of adverse effects of
modern contraceptives (21%), no method refill (12%) and
husband opposition (7%) as the major reasons for
discontinuatlon of modern contraception.
Recommendations have been given based on the outcome of
the study.
Characteristics Influencing Usage