Major Challenges in Construction Project Closure in Governmental Higher Educational Institution: - The Case of Selected Universities Around Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
This study was conducted on the governmental higher educational institutions in a case of selected universities around Addis Ababa. The researcher selected AAU, AASTU and CSU as a representative university around Addis Ababa. These universities had a total of 9 projects in closeout phases over the past six years. The main purpose of the study was to assess the major challenges of project closeout in these institutions. The study adopted descriptive research design. The study used quantitative methods of study. Source of data collection used for the study was only primary data. The study used census technique and identified 70 respondents from contractor, consultant, client and other stakeholders who were professionals and directly & indirectly participated in the project closeout phase these universities. The study found out that exterior challenge; a delay in utility services have scored highest as the major closeout challenge in closing the institutions project. Also lack of urgency in approach, enthusiasm & motivation of parties involved due to achieving substantial completion, lack of technical expertise, loss of project staff interest in task remaining such as documentation and division of effort to other new projects are taken as major internal challenges of the institutions in project closeout phase. The study concludes that the governmental higher educational institutions project closeout was affected by both internal and external challenges. The study recommended that adherence to a strict & consistent monitoring and follow up of project documentation, a proper screen out in hiring of professional project consultant, adopting the practice that project closeout begins from the project inception and changing the usual project closeout culture to the level that requires to archiving project lesson learnt.
Keywords: Project closure, challenge, interior and exterior closure challenges