Assessment of Decentralized Education Service Delivery: A Case Study of Dubti Woreda Afar National Regional State
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to assess the nature of Decentralization on Education Service Delivery
in view of having the required institutions, manpower, availability of adequate finance and
community participation in the provision of service delivery in the Woreda. The study was conducted
Dubti Woreda of Afar National Regional State. To meet the above objective, Focus group discussion,
In-depth interviews, and Observation were conducted with key informants, professionals, and
community representatives. Data for the research was collected for primary sources of data with the
help of interview guide, focus group discussion guide and observations. Secondary was also equally
reviewed to assess the nature and performance of decentralization on education service delivery in
According to the results of the study the student enrollment in the Woreda show that there is less parti
cipation in student enrolment. According to the responses obtained from school directors, teachers a
nd officials at Woreda Education Office level, the coordination and work relationship between Kebele
Education Training Board on one side and Parent Teacher Associations’ and Schools on the other is
characterized as being very inadequate and minimal.
The finding also indicated that the Education Office of Woreda and school are found to have
manpower problem which appears to have negatively impacted the service of the office in the
Woreda. According to the information obtained from officials through interviews indicated that,
Woreda suffered from inadequate budget. Despite the block transfer increase from year to year for
the Woreda, the revenue capacity of the Woreda was minimum because, of the Woreda lack of
appropriate tax base identification.. Decentralized education service delivery requires available envir
onment. However, since Woreda is characterized by Desert it is difficult to deliver education service
delivery in the Woreda
Dubti woreda