The Effect Of Job Satisfaction On The • Performance Of Employees Of Unity University College, Addis Ababa
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The three thing which generally deterring performance are: motivation,
ability and the work environment. Here the factors determining the
motivation of an employee are closely related to the dimensIons o'f job
This study is conducted to find out the extent to which job satisfaction of
employees has affected their performance in Unity University College.
The mam objective of the research is to identify the job satisfaction
variables which motivate employees of the university college for better
Towards achieving its objectives the study used both pnmary and
secondary sources of data. The primary data was collected through a
questionnaire and personal interview. The Minnesota satisfaction
questionnaire was the model used to measure job satisfaction. The
research used 20 different job related facets with five questions under
each dimensions. Employees indicated about each item on a five point
scale ranging from "very satisfied" to very "dissatisfied". Personal
I interview is also made with ·the personnel officer of the university college . .
to get performance appraisal results of employees. The secondary
sources used in the study are; performance appraisal data recorded by
the college, study reports of the previous researchers related to the topic,
articles, and pUblications.
The analysis indicated that employees are neither satisfied nor
dissatisfied but the average performance level is good.
A Research Thesis Submitted To The School Of Graduate Studies
\Of Addis Ababa University In Partial Fulfili{Ment Of The
Requirements For The Degree Of Master;;, Of Busines Administration In Mba Programme
Job Satisfaction, Performance