Factors Affecting The Speed Of Import Customs Clearance In Ethiopia, The Case Of Customs Commission Addis Ababa Kality Customs Branch Office
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Addis Ababa University
The main objective of the research was to explain the factors that affect the speed of
import customs clearance in Ethiopia, the case of Customs Commission Addis Ababa
Kality customs branch office. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the
researcher used quantitative research approach. Explanatory & descriptive research
designs have been implemented. Systematic random sampling technique and
disproportionate stratified sampling technique have been used to select samples from
clearing agents and customs officers respectively. Primary data has been collected from
126 respondents through questionnaire. The data has been analyzed using descriptive
statistics, correlation analysis and regression analysis through SPSS 20 software. The
findings of the study have indicated that tariff classification, valuation, human resource,
risk assessment, documentation and knowledge on customs procedures influences
customs clearance speed. The speed of customs clearance depended on the above factors.
In order to achieve a very good customs clearance speed, it has been recommended that
clearing agents must take training and Customs Commission must replace manual
processing with full automation.
Key words:
customs clearance, customs clearance speed, import customs clearance