Assessment of Tourists Satisfaction: The Case of Hawassa City Resort Hotels, Hawassa, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
One of the biggest contemporary challenges of management in tourism service industries
is providing and maintaining tourist satisfaction. This study focuses on the tourist's
satisfaction in resort hotels categories in Hawassa city. The content analysis is
determining Ihe exlent of the lourist's salis faction wilh Ihe value of resorl hotels
industries and also Ihe way of delivelY for the tOllrisl. The overwhelming lourists demand
for quality products and services has become in recent years increasingly evident to the
professionals in Ihe tourism and resort holels indllSllY. Among all lourisls' demands,
product and service quality has been increasingly recognized as a critical factor in the
success of any tourism business. In Ihis study, Ihe researcher has IIsed analYlical
descriplive type of research (qualilative and quanlilative research approach) and
differenl dala colleclion inslruments (like queslionnaire, interview, and parlicipant
observalion) methods Ihal can give effeclive relevanl inforll1alion. To analyze Ihe data
series, servequalmodel was IIsed for expeClalion of service quality and perceived service
quality measurement with relationship of determining factors for the level of tourisl 's
salisfaclion in resort hOlels 10 be drawn allention in 10 this. Finally Ihe researcher
conclude Ihal in Ihe cily of Hawassa resort hotels 10llrisls are satisfied through product
and quality service of the resort hOlels because Ihe perceived product and quality service
amollnt was greater than 10llrist expectation and also resort hotels standard factors are
highly affected tourists satisfaction.
Keywords: Tourists, satis/aclions, Perceived, Expeclalion, Products and service qualily
with relalionship.
Tourists, satisfaclions, Perceived, Expeclalion, Products and service qualily with relalionship