Performance Assessment of Road Drainage Systems of Burayu Town

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Addis Ababa University


The objective of the study is to assess the Performance of Drainage Systems of Road at Burayu Town Administration. The study employed both primary and secondary data collection. The primary data collection were observation (field visit), Interview, and photographs that show the existing drainage structure conditions and information that were gathered from the residents about the performance of the drainage structures during the rainy season. The secondary data sources were land cover map and geological map. Hydrological analysis was carried out by using Rational and SCS equations. Hydraulic parameters were determined from the design documents data during construction and from the construction sites by measuring the parameters where the structures are constructed by using Manning’s equation and GIS was used for watershed delineation. The findings of the study that were investigated includes: In most part of the town, runoffs run over road surfaces were due to soil erosion, flatness of the ditch channel, poor waste management system and lacking of the drainage structure at some station. As there is no adequate provision for garbage container in the town, residents dispose wastes in to the drainage channels, culvert, open spaces, and rivers/ streams. The drainage channels are filled with or blocked by silt and garbage, the blockage of drainage structures is due to flat areas and siltation of drainage system which leads to failures on roadways. The computed discharge values which were determined by both SCS methods and rational method were compared by dividing the watershed area according to their area of application. At station 16+200 the discharges were computed by SCS method for 60ha and also, computed by rational method by divided 60ha into two parts 30ha/0.3km2 and compared the results. The hydraulic calculation was carried out at station 16+200 by using Manning equation and checked by trial and error. Therefore, the design and check discharges at station 16+200 are 17.0m3/sec and 21.5m3/sec respectively. Therefore, new drainage structure will be needed at station 16+200. Therefore, this study recommends improvement in the integration of road and drainage structures serve for the intended purposes sustainably to the stakeholders. Keywords: Drainage Structure, Urban Road, Flooding, Blockage, Maintenance



Drainage Structure, Urban Road, Flooding, Blockage, Maintenance
