The Cost of HIV/AIDS on Health Institutions: The Case of Three Public Hospitals in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
This study is aimed at determining and com.?aring Ihe COSI incurred in Ireating HIVIA IDS
and non- J-IIV .-JlDS patients and the impaci ',n healih institlllions. Three hospitals in Addis
Ababa nameh Tikur Anbessa, St. p oul's ano Zewdifll were included in this slUdy. Essential
data were e.Xlracted by assessing patient cO'ds and Administrative records retrospectively
and filled in a format developed .flJr the purpose of this sflldy. The eXlracted data were
entered and analyzed in SPSS statistical paci-.age. The costs per inpatiel7l day, per inpatient
stay and outpalient visits were estimrJted by wing the service and unil COSI approaches.
The hospital costs of 453 patients (293 HIV positire, 160 HIV negative) were analyzed the
mean length of stay of HIVIAIDS pal ients were 19 days and outpatient visils were 4 days. The
HIVIAIDS pmient service charges paid to the hospiwl (service cost) per admission were on
average Birr 1,134 (US $ 132)' ond per (~utpalient visits were Birr 585.41 (US $ 68)
moreover these inpatient and outpatient public services valued using private hospitals service
prices the cost was Birr 4,614 (US 1) 539) and Birr 1,072 (US $ /25) respectively. Whereas
the unit cost of HIVIAIDS patients per admission were Birr 2,72 7.51 (US $ 318) and Birr
629.88 (US $ 74) per outpatient visits
There was no significance difference in cost of !reatmenl, average length of stay and
outpatient visilS between HIV positive and negative patients. However at the outpatient level
the unit cost of treating the HIVIAIDS patienl.1 is significantly greater than the non-HIVIA1DS
The similar cost patterns of the two patient groups examined in this study may reflect the fact
that few therapeutic options, limited and non-specific basic health services are being
provided to both groups of patients. Therefore information on costs of the treatment and care
of AIDS patients in health facilities is necessary in order to have an idea of the likely costs of
the increasing number of AIDS patients and to plan for their management and treatment
HIV/AIDS on Health Institutions