Assessment of the Impact of Productive Safety Net Program on Household welfare: The case of Adami Tulu Jido Kombolcha Wereda, East Shoa, Oromia Regional State.

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Addis Ababa University


This study reports both theoretical and empirical findings on the impact of productive safety net in Adami Tulu Jido Kombolcha wereda, East Shoa Zone of Oromia regional state. The main objective of this study is to assess the impacts of Productive safety net transfers on household welfare. The analysis was made using the household data collected from three kebeles (Chetu Getu, Werja Weshgula and Hurufa Lole). The study looked at the household characteristics and the descriptive result shows that there are interesting differences in the composition of PSNP beneficiary and non-beneficiary households, which suggest that certain demographic criteria might have been used in targeting households for the PSNP. Thus, female-headed and older-headed households are generally more vulnerable and more likely to need support than male-headed households. The probit regression analysis result shows that among other variables included in the study household labour, beneficiary dummy, education dummy, ox holding, number of oxen and age have been significant in determining household welfare. As it was hypostasized beneficiary, ox holding and household labour are positively related to the probability of increase in welfare. Age, education dummy and number of oxen negatively and strongly related to changes in welfare over the last year. Therefore, the probability of improving welfare of the respondents is significantly affected by households being beneficiary of safety net program.



Assessment of the Impact of Productive, Safety Net Program on Household welfare

