Floristic Composition, Species Diversity and VegetationStructure of Gera Moist Montane Forest Jimma Zone of Oromia National Regional State, Southwest Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Floristic composition, Species diversity and Vegetation structure of Gera Moist Montane Forest was
conducted in Jimma Zone of Oromia National Regional State, South west Ethiopia, with the objective to
study the floristic composition and structure of the Forest. A total of 132 plant species in 112 genera and
59 families were identified from this Forest. Fabaceae was the most dominant family with ten species
(7.57%) and nine genera. Seven endemic species were recorded from the study area. Systematic sampling
method was used to collect vegetation data. Accordingly, 50 quadrats each with 900 m2 (30 m X 30 m)
for woody species and subplots of 1 m X 1 m within the main plots for herbaceous plants were laid along
three line transects. All plots were laid at a distance of 200 m along transect lines. Shannon-Wiener
diversity index were used to compute species richness and evenness between the plant communities. DBH,
basal area, height and frequency were computed and compared to describe the structure of the Forest.
The regeneration status of some woody species of the Forest was evaluated based on the number of
seedlings and saplings per hectare. For seedlings, the main quadrats were divided into subplots of 5 m X
5 m (25 m2). Vegetation classification was performed using R-2.11.1 software packages. Five clusters
were recognized and designated as local plant community types. Plant communities were named after two
of the dominant woody species occurring in each group using the relative magnitude of the highest mean
cover abundance within the cluster. The total seedlings and saplings of 20 selected woody species of Gera
Forest were about 4,838 and 1,331 individuals per hectare respectively. Future research directions and
recommendations are suggested for the sustainable utilization of the vegetation.
Key words/Phrases: Gera Forest, Floristic composition, plant community, species diversity,
vegetation structure.
Gera Forest, Floristic composition, plant community, species diversity, vegetation structure.