Optical and Electrical Properties of A-Si:H Multilayer Solar Cells

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Addis Ababa University


llie transmittance spectra of a·Si :l-i pin solar cell samples having different i-layer thickness were measured with a Perkins Elmer Lambda 19 spectrometer. The spectra were simulated with the SCOUTFIT computer program by making use of the Forouhi and Bloomer dielectric fu nction model to dctennine the values of the optica l parameters (energy gap, refractive index and laye r thickn ess) of the different layer systems (glass, TeO, po, i- and n-layers) of the a- Si:H so lar cell samples. l1le fi tt ed valu es of the opt ica l parameters arc found to be ill good agreement with published valu es. l 1JC I-V characteristics curves of a-Si: H solar cells were measured. 11le pa ra meters J",> V 0< ' 11 and FF for the different samples, when the samples were illuminated \' .... I[h lighi of diffe rent in tensities are determined and compared wi lh published result s. The paper presents the exp erimental results obtained from the tra nsmittance spectra and the 1-V characteristics measurements of the solar cell samples



A-Si:H Multilayer Solar Cells

