Determinants of Stock-Out of First Line Antiretroviral therapy (ART) Drugs: The Case of Hospitals of Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


This study was aimed to examine the determinants of stock-out of first line antiretroviral (ART) therapy drugs in the case of hospitals of AACAHB. ART supplier performance, inventory management of the public hospitals, human resource, ICT use, and health system support were identified as an independent variable in this study. A quantitative research approach, cross-sectional survey strategy, and structured questionnaire for the primary data collection were used in this study. The research used descriptive and explanatory research design. The data was collected from the employees of pharmacy department across the public hospitals of AACAHB. Proportionate stratified sampling method along with random sampling techniques was applied to identify respondents proportionately across the hospitals. Both primary and secondary data sources were used to gather data. The study has utilized a statistical tool called SPSS V.26 for doing the analysis. Descriptive statistics were used for summarizing and presenting the results of demographic information of the respondents, and presenting the responses on the independent and dependent variables. In addition to this, inferential statistical tools such as correlation, and logistics regression analysis were utilized for examining the relationship between dependent and independent variables. The study revealed that there is statistically significant and negative relationship between all independent variables (such as performance of ART supplier, health system support, ICT, human resource factor, and inventory management) and dependent variables (i.e., stock out of first line ART drugs) in the public hospitals of AACAHB. The study further concluded that all of the identified independent variables have statistically significant effect on the first line ART drugs stock out in public hospitals of AACAHB. Among the identified independent variables, inventory management has the greatest impact on the stock out of first line ART drugs in the public hospitals followed by health system support, ICT, ART supplier performance, and human resource factors respectively. The study has forwarded recommendations across each independent variables to be carried out by the concerned bodies.


