Rhizobial Status and Strain Identification of Some Pulse Fields at Ankober, Keyt, Mehal-Meda and Molale (Northern Shewa)
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Addis Ababa University
This study oonsiders the rhizobial status of some localities in the Northern
Shewa Zone, where faba bean yield has deoreased. Composite soil samples
were taken from representative areas of two yield depleted areas, Molale and
Mehal-Meda and two yield sustained areas, Keyt and Ankober.Soil analysis
was done on the four soil samples to know their nutrient content and status of
rhizobial population. It was found that the m.imbe~ of rhizobia per gram of yield
depleted area soils was very low where as it was very high in the yield sustained
area soils. The phosphorus and potassium cOhtentof Molale and Mehal-Meda
soils was also lower than that of Ankober and Key! soils. However, the nitrogen
content of all the four soil samples was high. Also four Rhizobium
leguminosarum strains were isolated from these soil samples by planting the
host plant faba bean. The isolates were identified as different strains by using
PCR-based amplification of specific DNA fragments of nitrogen fixing promoter
region of the Rhizobium genome. The relative symbiotic effectiveness of the
four isolates and one exotic strain Tal 1397N was determined in sand culture.
The results showed that all the four local isolates and the exotic strain haven't
caused any significant improvement from the control in any of the growth
parameters except nodule fresh weight. Pot experiment was conducted to know
the effect of inOCUlation by the local isolates and the exotic strain (Tal 1397N)
and nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers (urea and DAP) on the growth of faba