Challenges, Problems and Limitations in Implementing Performance based Management in Addis Ababa Civil Service; The Case in Addis Ababa Education Bureau

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The environment within which organizations operate is dynamic and not static. To satisfy the needs of its stake holders, to grow and survive Organizations be it businesses or public should respond to the changes that occurs in the environment. A healthy organization which needs to win the wish and interest of its stake holders and their managers always devise new mechanism and new ways or tools which help them to be efficient and effective. Performance management is also one of the responses devised by managers for the ever changing environment. Public organizations too are not different in this respect. The Ethiopian Civil Service is now implementing the Civil Service Reform Programmes. The reform programme has five sub programs, which intern sub divided in to so many projects. Introducing the performance management system to the Ethiopian Civil Service is one of the projects of the human resource administration sub-programmers. The major objective of the project is to find ways or tools which able to replace the traditional way of performance appraisal by the better and a new one. The performance based management system with a six step one was selected to implement in the Ethiopian Civil Service. The aim of this paper is to identify the challenges, problems and limitations that face in implementing the performance based management in Addis Ababa Civil Service taking Addis Ababa Education Bureau as a case. Both the primary and secondary data sources are used in order to substantiate the findings. According to the research findings, the implementation processes did not as it was designed. The performance based management framework which selected for the Ethiopian Civil Service had not been well understood by both managers and employees. The limitations in terms of capacity, attitudes and lack of commitment also the reasons behind the problems



Limitations in Implementing, Addis Ababa Education Bureau
