The Causes, Current Situation and Socio-economic Consequences of Early Marriage: The Case of Nyagatom Community
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Addis Ababa University
This study has examined the causes, current situation and socio-economic consequences
of early marriage in Nyagatom community. Specifically, it initially examined the fundamental
causes, then it looked in to the current situation of early marriage and finally it explored the
socio-economic consequences of early marriage. In this regard, the study revealed that it is
difficult to conclude the exact socio-economic effects of early marriage exactly as social or
economic; however, the current situation, major causes and socio-economic effects of early
marriage in the study area is explored. Nonetheless, with a specific reference to this section,
three major points are concluded about all the issue of early marriage in the study area.
Firstly, the current situation of early marriage was assessed and in that many of the
people of Nyagatom community have low level of awareness about the harmful effects of early
marriage practices. Currently, it is found that they mostly practice an intermediate form of early
marriage. The study revealed that the community assembles forceful marriages because of
exclusive economic motive of getting a dowry. It is also observed that early marriage for parents
is seen as means of wealth accumulation.
In spite of this, the study examined that early marriage is also practiced for reasons of
different cultures. In this regard, the current situation of abut traditional marriages in the study
area is generally defined in its extremely twined nature to the socio-economic life of the people
of Nyagatom community. Though some parents of early married women improved their life, due
to the culture of early marriage, young girls are being victimized by the negative effects for
many years. Hence, it is observed that the effects of traditional early marriages and early
marriage in particular still demand further studies in the community. Generally, the culture of
early marriage for Nyagatom community is more than just a culture but it is their social, cultural
and economic destination too.
Secondly, the study has revealed that the particular socio-economic reasons for early
marriage. In this regard, it is concluded that early married young children are being exchanged
for fundamental economic interests of their parents (of getting large number of cattle, goats,
sheep and safety machines), accumulate extra wealth and to escape from poor economic
situations. It is also examined that a dowry is highly deserved by both the poor and rich parents
of early married women. In turn it resulted in worsening the holistic situation of early married
child wives in the study area. Next to these unlimited economic interests, early and forceful
marriages are also set for socio-cultural reasons which are followed by economic pretexts.
Beside these, frequent conflict is also another rational which made young girls to be seen as
means for safety of their parent’s life; however, this in turn violates their freedom to choose the
right to live whom they love at the right time. Illiteracy and the need to get social protection are
also explored as social reasons too.
At the end, the study explored the vital socio-economic consequences of early marriage
over early married children in the study area. In this regard, because of the people’s strong socioeconomic
tie with the culture of early marriage, child wives are being exposed for frequent
domestic violence and sexual aggressions as they are exchanged for huge dowries for parents.
Extreme inside and outside home work loads, continuous school dropouts and high potential of
the risk of HIV/AIDS and STDs are also confirmed as social consequences of early marriage.
However, issues related to prostitution, fistula, divorce and migration are investigated as not the
consequences of early marriage in nyagatom community. Economically, the practice of early
marriage is contributed to economic discomforts in the families of child wives. Hence, excess
numbers of children per family, unfair property inheritance (ownership) and passive economic
enrolment of early married children are explored as hurtful economic effects.
In general the current study has examined diversified contexts of early marriage in
Nyagatom community where young girls of the area have been suffering from early marriage and
it can be concluded that economically next to their cattle; parents of Nyagatom community are
extremely dependent up on their daughters as survival options.
Social Work