Assessment on the Integrated Pharmaceuticals Logistics System Implementation: The case of Health Facilities in Halaba Special Woreda and City Administrations of Hawassa and Shashemene

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Addis Ababa University


Integrated Pharmaceuticals Logistics System is a single pharmaceuticals reporting and distribution system based on the overall mandate and scope of PFSA. It aims to ensure that patients always get pharmaceuticals they need. The objective of this study is to assess the implementation of integrated pharmaceuticals logistics system in meeting its objectives in selected public health facilities. Descriptive study design was used with a quantitative approach. Data were analyzed by using SPSS and presented in form of tables and graphs. Chi square and Fisher’s exact test of independence were employed to measure associations between some variables of interest. The study’s finding showed that 75% of the health centers are receiving their products through woredas. All hospitals get their program commodities directly from PFSA while only 57% of health centers reported that their program commodities are delivered by higher levels (PFSA, ZHDs or WoHOs). Overall availability in the facilities at the day of visit was found to be 93.3% while availability for all tracer items during the six months prior to the visit was found to be 82%. 65% of the health facilities reported that they are resupplied fully with the quantities they requested. Only 44% of HCs adhere to storage requirements while 83% of hospitals do. 44% of Health centers fulfill the allowable wastage rate (below 2%) while the wastage rate in 56% of the health centers was found to be between 2% to 8%. The study concludes that the overall implementation of the system was found to be fairly good in terms of its set objectives. However, much is left to be done if the system is to be full-fledged



Tracer pharmaceuticals, product delivery, modality
