Appraiser - Appraisee Perception of Teacher Performance Apprai sal in Senior Secondary Schools of Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
This exp l oratory study was designed to identify
the major prob l ems of the curren t system of TPA operating
in senior secondary schools of Addis Ababa ; and hence,
to discover if relationships existed between appra i sers
and appraisees in perceiving the problems thus
identified . To this end , a nswers to basic questions
pertaining to the purposes and criteria of TPA, skill
and competence of appra i sers, t iming and frequency of
appraisal, and process and procedures involved in
appraisa l were sought.
Following a review of the literature related to the
problem under study , a survey questionnaire was deve l oped ,
field-tested and modified , and distribu t ed to a samp le of
154 appraisers and 356 appraisees drawn from 13 senio r
secondary schools of Addis Ababa . Of the respective tota l
sample size of the two study gr oups , 144 93.51 pe r cent)
apprais ers and 324 ~1.01 per cent) apprais ees filled in
and returned the ques tionna ir e .
The findings of the study showed th at the two
study groups perceived the pr imary purpose of a system
of TPA to be formative rather than summa tive . On the
contrary , summative purposes were report ed to be the
primary concern of the current system of TPA; and the
effectiveness of the system in achieving its purposes
was rated a little more than average. Moreover, the
validity , reliability , and utility l evels of the
performance criteria under use were rated far below the
maximum high; and the level of satisfaction of appraisers
and appraisees with the criteria was a little more than
Respon ses from the majority of the appraisers and
appraisees revealed that no pre- appraisal meetings and
post-appraisal conferences were held in senior secondary
schools under study . eRO , on the other hand , was reported
to be widely practised in most of these schools; but, on
average, once in a semester and not for more than 40
Appraising the performance of teachers was , by and
l arge , the responsibility of assistant principals and
department heads . However , as perceived by most of the
two study groups, teachers would prefer department heads
to be designated appraisers of teachers ' performance .
Moreover , most of the appraisees had no trust and
confidence in their appraisers ' skill and competence in
It was confirmed by almost al l appraisers and
appraisees that performance ratings of most senior secondary school teachers were above 3.00 points.
However , reports revealed that while high performance
ratings proved ineffective to stimulate teachers to
improve performance , low ratings obsessed teachers and
they often antagonized their appraisers and negatively
affected their job.
In general, the level of satisfaction of appraisers
and appraisees with the system of TPA currently operating
in senior secondary schools was below average . Nevertheless ,
a l most al l appraisers and appraisees perceived the
potential value of the system ; but for it to functio n
effectively, they recommended necessary revisions in
the d es ign and operation of the system in which teachers
would have meaningful participation .
Teacher Performance Apprai sal