The Contribution of Hotels to the Development of Tourism in Ethiopia: The Case of Five Star Hotles.
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Addis Ababa University
This study mainly focuses on the contribution of hotels to the Ethiopian tourism development by
taking five star hote ls as its target. The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative methods
and employed mainly primary data. The data collection methods which are used to gather the
required information include: participant observation, both structured and unstructured interview
and questionnaire. The questionnaires were given to both sample local and international touri sts
as well as the industry workers at random basis. Observation is used as the only so urce of
obtaining data from one of the target hotels, Sheraton Addis Hotel, because of getting no
permission to conduct interview and distribute questionnaires upon the internal problem of the
The researcher has examined the different issues related to the status of service provisions to
tourists and customer satisfaction in the target hotels. Accordingly, it is found that the different
tourist service provisions in both ICAH and HAH are not standard ized enough to meet the needs
of touri sts though some of the services are relati vely better than the others. Comparati ve ly
speaking Sheraton Addis Hotel offers better services to tourists than lCAH and HAH do. Though
the different touri st service provisions fail to meet the international standards, all the three target
five star hotels are found to contri bute a lot to the development of Ethiopian tourism by hosting
different tourists the majority of whom are of international in terms of their nationality or
Finally, the researcher fo rwarded some recommendations in order to mll11mlZe the already
identified problems associated with different attributes within the target hotels so that the hotels
could improve customer sati sfaction in particular and contribute by far much better than ever to
the Ethiopi an touri sm development at large.
Hotels to the Development of, Tourism in Ethiopia