Employees Perception of Work Environment and Their Organizational Commitment: A Case of Kombolcha Textile Factory
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Addis Ababa University
The main purpose of this study is to examzne employees perception of
work environment and their organizational commitment. Accordingly,
employees perceived organizational justice and perceived quality of leader
member exchange as variables of work environment were studied to see
their relationships to organizational commitment. Selected demographic
variables were also studied to see whether they are correlates and
significant predictors commitment. Moreover, turnover intentions and job
satisfaction were examined to see their relations with commitment. The
above objectives were approached by selecting 140 respondents from
Kombolcha Textile Factory using simple random samples. A questionnaire,
which consisted of 73 items, were developed and adopted to collect data.
Focus group discussions were also used to get additional information.
After conducting pilot study and getting feedback about the validity of
items from individuals 73 item questionnaires were finally administered to
employees in the work settings with the help of two research assistants.
Data entry and analysis were performed using statistical packages of the
social sciences (SPSS) version 17. Pearson product moment correlation(r),
multiple and stepwise Multiple regressions were primarily used to analyze
data. The results indicated that perceived organizational justice and
quality of leader member exchange were positively and significantly
correlated with organizational commitment. Age and work experience were
also found to be significantly correlated with organizational commitment.
The findings also showed a positive and significant correlations between
job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and negative and
significant correlations between turnover intention and organizational
commitment. Implications of the findings in terms of increasing the quality
of work environments to enhance organizational commitment were also
work environment, and their organizational commitment