A Thesis Submitted to the Department of English in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in , Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

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Addis Ababa Universiy


The main objective of this study was to in vestigate the implclIlf'nt at ion and p ercep tion of active learning in EFL classes. Active Learning is a method oj ins truction that involves the active engagement oj s tudents in the learning process. The p articipants of the study were all BSS Englis h teachers, ]20 SlU e/e llIS {/l Id Ihe school p rincipal. This paper conducted to interrogate the school communities ' perceptions and practices of active learning in EFL classrooms part icularly LO examine at secondary school level. To collect d ata for the study both close and op en- ended questionna ire. itHerview and observation deployed. In line with, fo r the objective questions Il/ eWI score WId percentage used whereas for the sake oj op en- ended qualitative trteUwci oj analys is employed. On the other hand the survey showed that; English teachers are not in a position to use various active learning tools to assess their pupils ' p erformance in English, they have not in the right track in providing f eedback and correction. In addition, most of them d id not demand their students' reflection on the instruction as well as they have not a clear know-how in what way their s tu dents are bencfi'clilry from the deployment of active learning in EFL classes. Despite their awareness oj the central place assessment in the instruction process, do not implement as it should be. BSS teachers expressed 'that there are major cons traints that impecie the successJul implementation of active lean,ing: wrong p ercep tion of teachers lowarcis active learning, taking ·n9 course in univers ity fo r-teachers about active learnll1g before engage to work, large class size, lacle of suJficient materials like ciupllculing lIlac/ II I/C, audio/ video recorders and reference' books. Hence, to bridge up the gap between what the literature transpIres "nci what the survey has shown: The school management needs to create awareness on active learning, teachers should broaden their horizon about p roviding dlJfe rent active learning de vices, Stakeholders should design and provide course about AL Jor teachers in campus, and teachers should be encouraged to bear respons ibilities, be professionally mastered and enhanced to have positive attitucie towards Active Learning.



English (Bulbula Secondary School in focus)
