Factors Predisposing Street Children to HIV/Aids in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Addis Abeba Universty
Qualitative study was conducted in Addis Ababa to investigate factors predisposing street
children to HIV/AIDS among children aged 5-18 years,to explore individual behavioral
factors that increase sexual risk behaviors and to assess the socio economic and societal
influence on the street children sexual behavior .The participant were selected using
homogenous sampling and informants who are familiar with the target population ,culture
and have rich information were selected .The study has triangulated focus group
discussion ,key informant interview and non participatory observation using open ended
thematize question guide, interview guide and checklists respectively.
Data analysis was done manually in the field and using computer soft ware for handling
qualitative data .HIV/AIDS was a relatively low concern to the street children due to their
preoccupation with survival and adverse environment, levels of HIV/AIDS knowledge
was relatively high, though most not put it in practice because of mood change due to
substance use and alcohol intake. Majority consider themselves to be victims of the
deadly disease HIV/AIDS, moreover stigmatized by the community and government
organs .They believe condom use reduces sexual pleasure and perceive sex to be more
The driving force that put them to use substance and alcohol were the usual and regular
onset of depression ,stress ,boredom and to relive hunger ,cope with harsh realities of life
,to avert fear ,sad and to get confidence .Peer to be sexually active ,families tendency to
monitor their children were found to be associated with risky sexual practices ,children
tendency to chew chat ,smoke cigarette ganja ,shisha and drink alcohol were reported as
the factor putting street children at risk of unsafe sexual practices and HIV infection, girls
in the street are at higher risk of rape and its consequences, ,HIV/AIDS and STIs.
Homosexuality was also evident among some street boys.
Promoting media education, focusing on child rearing practice and peer education to get
children out of substance abuse and unsafe sex by creating street based activities and mini
project scheme. Appropriate and consistent IEC/BCC target oriented need to be
disseminated , to this specific social group, more over banning all substance offering
houses, chewing in the street, and its circulation. Changing the outlook and mistreatment
of children by community and government organs to wards the street children
Factors Predisposing Street Children