Community Based Ecotourism in Tigray: The Case of Aksum
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Addis Ababa University
The main objective of this study has been to explore the potentials for ecotourism and
understand how ecotourism can serve as a livelihood option in Aksum district; Tigray province
of northern Elhiopia. This study also assesses community perception in tourism and/or CB£.
Community perception in a given tourism project influences the level of tourism development in
Aksum. If communities have positive altitude towards a given ecolOurism project. the chance of
sustainability becomes high. The issue of community participation and empowerment is also
assessed. CBE is conducted in community owned lands were local participation plays significant
roles of success. Participation in this context means involving the community as a collective
group in a given CBE and/or tourism projects. There are also many issues that can determine
the level of community participation. One of it is empowerment. Empowerment is considered as
one mechanisms of participating Aksum 's community in a given eBE ami/tourism projects.
Ecotourism in Tigray