Implementation of Selected Rights of Children with Intellectual Disability in Ambo City: Analysis of the Practice and the Law
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Addis Ababa University
This research is conducted with the main aim of assessing the implementation of some rights of
children with intellectual disability. These are rights to family life, social inclusion, education,
participation in play, recreation, and leisure, the best possible health, an adequate standard of
living/ protection from poverty, and protection from all forms of violence and abuse in Ambo
City. It is a qualitative research where interviews and field observations are applied as tools of
data collection. The interview was a semi-standardized, where the interviewer was not limited to
the questions listed under the interview guideline prepared; and the observation process was
non-participatory. Both primary and secondary sources of data are considered within this
research. Yet, it is a case study where 10 families having a child with ID and who lives in Ambo
city participated in an in-depth interview.
The research finds that none of the above listed rights are being implemented as they should.
Those children have an isolated life. They are only living with their family physically; are
excluded from the community and not learning, at the time of data collection. Furthermore they
are living under poverty, especially some of them lives under an extreme poverty. Violence and
abuses are a problem that all of the informant children with ID faces. The failure of the
government in its duties to respect, protect and fulfill, the negative attitude of the community
including that of the families of the child, and also the extreme poverty account for the violations
of these rights. Hence, issues of rights of children with ID are issues that need an immediate
attention of all.
rights of children,intellectual disability