Assessment of Integrated Pharmaceutical Logistics System (IPLS) in Public Health Facilities at East Wollega Zone
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Addis Ababa University
Different efforts have been made to implement and build strong pharmaceuticals supply chain
management system in the country through creating integrated pharmaceutical logistics system.
There was significant improvement in health commodity logistics system management. However,
the system was not yet strong enough to the expected level due to different reasons. Therefore, the
objective of this investigation was to provide information on the level of Integrated Pharmaceutical
Logistic System (IPLS) implementation in East Wollega public health facilities using crosssectional
descriptive study. In this study, all East Wollega Health facilities were selected and
quantitative data collection tool called ‘Logistics Indicators Assessment Tool (LIAT)’ was
administered to different service delivery Points (SDPs) such as Hospitals, Antiretroviral
Treatment (ART) health centers, Prevention Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) only health
centers and Non-ART and Non-PMTCT health centers. As a result, health professionals who were
responsible in handling health commodities at SDPs stores were the main respondents of this
assessment. The sample size was 66 (23 ART sites, 23 Non-ART-Non-PMTCT sites and 20 PMTCT
sites’) store keepers working at these SDPs. At these SDPs using Logistics Management
Information System (LMIS) formats the stock status of selected tracer drugs from ART, Malaria,
RPH and TB program was assessed by using 36 tracer drugs selected by United States Agency for
International development(USAID)Ethiopia from Malaria, family planning, TB and HIV/AIDS
programs (2016). Finally, the gathered data from these SDPs were reconciled and finally analyzed
using SPSS version 16 according to their service type differently and found that the prevalence of
IPLS Implementation was 32.8%.
management system, strong pharmaceuticals, Prevention Mother