Agricultural Multivariate Stratified Sample Survey with Applications to a Food Supply System
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Zewge, Genene
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Addis Abeba university
The population studied comprises the. ~gricultur~lhOl~seno.'ds ofa co~uruty in
Damota district which is found in the North Omo administrative region. It was stratified
by using the agro-ecological factor as the stratifying variable into three strata. Thus, the
three strata arrived at in the process were the "Dega", "Kolla", and "Woyna Dega" agroecological
zones in the research area.
In the case where the study variables of interest are greater than one in a stratified
sample survey, the usual optimum (Neyman) allocation method cannot be applied directly
since what is best for one study variable may not necessarily be best for the other. Thus,
other alternative techruques developed to go about this problem have been compared.
These include the compromise, chatterjee as well as proportional allocation. Other methods
which involve non-linear programmingtechruques were also reviewed.
The data on the study variables which were believed to be indicative of the food
supply system of the area were collected These included the family size, acreage, production,
expenditure, reserves and purchases of the households. This was done through interviews
carried out by going to the sampled households. Prior to the conduct of the final survey,
however, a pilot survey was undertaken which covered fifty households from each stratum.
This was done in order to obtain the necessary information to estimate the stratum
variances which were required for sample allocation purposes. The sample size
determination was also done scientifically by similarly using the data from the pilot survey
as well as the approved budget of the survey and additional cost estimates.
In addition to the above, anthropometric measures of children under five years of age
were collected for the purpose of studying the nutritional status of the population
Applications to a Food Supply System