Prevalence of Low Birth Weight in Urban Areas of South Western Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
A cross sectional study of low birth weight (LBW) with a case control
analysis was carried out in 30 villages of Jimma zone, South,western Ethiopia
with the objectives to determine the prevalence of (LBW), its determinants and
to assess the performance of trained traditional birth attendants (TTBAs) in
recording birth weight using simple modified salter spring balances. Exposure
variables of interest related to study mothers were collected and birth weight
of the new born were recorded by enumerators and TTBAs.
A total of 537 mother,newborn pairs were included in the study revealing
an overall LBW rate of 10.6%. The frequency distribution of health unit and
home deliveries were nearly equal (47% vs 53%). LBW rate was higher
among home deliveries (12.9%) than health unit deliveries (8 .0%).
Statistically significant mean birth weight difference favouring health unit
delivered neonates was observed when compared to home delivered neonates
(t=2,03, P<0.05).The present study has demonstrated LBW rate is higher
among home deliveries unattended by trained personnel.
TTBAs can be used as a potential source of birth weight information to the
health system. On the basis of the study finding, it is recommeded that efforts
have to be made to motivate mothers to utilize the maternal and child health
(MCH) services to minimize the ri sk of LBW, and further that regular
refresher training and periodic supervision of the TTBAs should be made to
utilize them as a potential source of vital event data of their communities.
Prevalence of Low Birth weight