Determinants of Family Planning Non-Use and Unmet Need in Urban Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
This study focuses on the socio-economic and demographic determinants of contraceptive
non-use in urban Ethiopia using data collected in the 1990 National Family and Fertility
Survey conducted by the Central Statistical Authority (CSA). The survey collected
information from a total of 2,844 urban resident women of reproductive age.
Both bi-variate and multi-variate statistical techniques were usedfor data analysis using
socio-economic and demographic background variables. The relative imponance of the
explanatory background variables was examined by using the logistic regression modeL
Unmet need and contraceptive non-use are treated as dichotomous dependant variables
in the model.
The res lilts of [he Qllal.'"sis sholl' [hw Ol'er 93 percent (~r [h ese WOlllell kilO,,' w ieas[ one
lIIe[hod of fa lllily planning, bll[ only 27.3 percent had el 'er used a lIIe1hod. Among [he
reasons for [il I' non -lise }iii' jillll i Ir plllnn i ng. sl<le elfe. !S (/ I:<i/ill(/ Iis[ic a [Ii lillies W" II rds
falllily planning pia.'" dOll/inalll role. L'I/Ine[ lIeed F,r jillnif.'" planning swod w 35.5
percelll 0/ which 11.5 percel/l ""(IS jilr spacing pll rposes ,,.hile :'4 peTcen[ was fo r
lill/iting Ihe nllm ber of births. The £owl demand for fa ll/ il.'" planning in urban Ethiopia
in 1990 was 59.7 pereel1l of which only 40 pereel1l " 'as s(l[isjied.
The nwnher of sltlTil'ing children ond ideal jUlI/ii' sl:e ure jound ((J he the
Family Planning