Compiled Case Reports of Different Surgical Affections and Their Surgical Managements on Different Domestic Animals in and Around Bishoftu Town, East Shoa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


Ethiopia is endowed with various livestock potential that contributes for socioeconomic developments and values to sustain millions of livelihoods. However, limited coverage of veterinary services especially in relation to veterinary surgical managements and corrections of different deformities and injuries that can save the life of animals is the one of bottle neck factor that affects the effective and efficient utilization of this valuable subsector. Therefore, the objectives of this case study was to compile and document the various surgical cases and and their managements, and develop all rounded practical skills on different domestic animals in and around Bishoftu town from October 2020 to April 2021 at Veterinary Teaching Hospital and Donkey Sanctuary Clinic. During the study period, out of total of 24 different domestic animals 45.83% (11/24), 20.83% (5/24), 8.33% (2/24), 20.83% (/24) and 4.17% (1/24) of cattle, sheep, goats, dogs and donkey were handled at the stated veterinary cervices centres and had undergone different surgical corrections and managements. Before admission to any surgical treatment and managements, each and every case has undergone diagnosis thorough history, general physical and laboratory examinations. Surgical sites were aseptically prepared for surgical operation; the patients were anesthetized with suitable anesthetic protocols for the presented case and controlled in appropriate position depending on animal species and type of surgical intervention going to be performed. During the study period, surgical managements such as horn amputation, herniorrhaphy, cesarean sections, ovario-hysterectomy, exploratory ruminotomy, wound management, tumor excision, urethrostomy, eye enucleation, open castrations and correction of vaginal prolapse were performed. Of all the animals that undrgone surgical intervention, 95.83% (23/24) were cured and recovered; whereas, 4.17% (1/24) was died. Postoperative complication such as swelling at surgical site, frontal sinusitis development, abscessation, urethral stricture and death were occurred, despite all possible efforts made to minimize them. Thus, in addition to implementation of principles of surgical asepsis and other surgical adjuncts to minimize post-operative complications, anticipation of complication and proper management is crucial for good prognosis and outcome.



Bishoftu town, Domestic animals, Ethiopia, Surgical treatment
