The Discourse of Machiavelli and Hobbes on Authority

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Addis Ababa University


Machiavelli is regarded as the father of modern political philosophy. His contributions to political philosophy continue to have an impact on current political philosophers and politicians. He particularly defied the medieval tradition that political authority was under the control of the church. He wished to discover how to establish a strong state against foreign oppression and domestic conflict. To him, the best state was a republic in which the system could draw upon the talent of mass of people, and their virtues could operate unchecked. Failing this a limited monarchy might achieve national security. He considered public spirit essential for the establishment of an ideal republic. In true platonic spirit, he believed that a state is what its people make it.Hobbes was obsessed with societal order and discipline. Furthermore, he is extremely concerned about the power vacuum that may occur as a result of anarchy, instability, or split of authority. As a result, he expresses his understanding of legal sovereignty in a clear and unambiguous manner. He helped people recognize the critical importance of a strong government, as well as security and peace.Because of the time or generation gap, these two significant political theorists have limitations. Our thinking styles and contemporary political beliefs may differ, yet they have a wonderful perspective and insight that cannot be confined by time or political ideas. We need a patriotic generation that loves their country enough to give their life for it. We also require justice for the benefit of citizens and the government. In general, we require peace and security.



