Factors Affecting the Intention to Use Mobile Banking Service (cbe-birr): Case study on Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
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The research has been focused to assess factors affecting the intention to use mobile money (CBE
Birr) in Commercial bank of Ethiopia, selected Branches in Addis Ababa city was used as a case
study area for the study. Literature has reviewed on: service of mobile banking. Mixed research
design has been used to realize the study objective. Using Krejcie and Morgan has taken from
total population based on multiple stage method used. The data has been collected from both
primary and secondary sources of data. The main research instrument used a Likert 5 scale
questionnaire to collect primary data. From total Target population selected respondents (246)
were sampled for data collection; Reliability and Validity of instrument has been used for test by
carrying out a pilot study. The collected data has been processed with the help of computer
software package (SPSS version 24.00). The collected data has been analyzed through different
statistical techniques: descriptive statistics, inter correlation t-test, ANOVA and multiple
regressions. According to the findings of the study there was a significant relationship between
demographic information and intention to use mobile money (CBE Birr). The findings revealed
that the result further revealed lack of customer awareness, customer lack of confidence with the
security aspects Product Image in the Society and Limitation in availability and quality of
infrastructure are the other factors affectingIntention to Use CBE-Birr mobile money service in
commercial bank of Ethiopia. The study recommends that, to improve the benefits of mobile banking
services CBE should strongly work on making the service ease and let the customers know the status
for their decision and confidence. CBE should also work to the extent of offering better and reliable
security by encryption information to protect their customer’s privacy. In order to make simple the
service, CBE should be available with voice or other channel to illiterate customers who can’t read
and write.
Partialfulfilment Of The Requirements For The Award Of Mba
(Masters Of Business Administration).
Agent Banking, CBE -BIRR Mobile money service