The Inclusion of Ethiopian Common Social Values in Civic and Ethical Education Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary Schools of Adama Town
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Addis Ababa University
The main pwpose of this study was to examine the adequate inclusion of Ethiopian
common social values in civic and ethical education curriculum and instruction in two
general secondmy schools of Adama town.
To achieve this objective a descriptive survey method was employed and data were
collected through instruments such as questionnaires, interview, classroom observation
checklist and document review. The respondents were 15 civic and ethical education
teachers and school principals, 98 randomly selected grade 10 students in the two
schools as well as 2 curriculum experts of civic and ethical education and training
department in MoE.
Thus, two sets of questionnaires were administered on teachers and school principals,
and students. Besides, the interview was conducted with curriculum experts.
Furthermore, classroom observation and document review had been made on grade 10
secondary school classes and civic and ethical education textbook respectively. The data
collected through questionnaires were tabulate and analyzed using mainly percentages
whereas; the data collected through interview, classroom observation and document
review were analyzed in narrative manner.
According to the findings of the study, the Ethiopian common social values such as
respecting basic rights of an individual, tolerance and diversity, responsibilities and
cooperation had been inadequately incorporated in civic and ethical education
curriculum and instructional processes. The findings also show thaI mol of the teachers
and students have critics on civic and ethical education as it reflects more of one sided
political indoctrination in neglecting the valuable common social life experiences of the
people as existed in Ethiopia real situation. Moreover, based on the finding, limited need
assessment, misconceptions and lack of knowledge on the existing Ethiopian social
values as well as lack of professional skills and principles were exhibited as the results of
the study.
Finally, the adequate inclusion and exemplification of Ethiopian common social values in
civic and ethical education curriculum and instruction, the use of wide rage need
assessment to identify the context and the existing values, utilization o.{ situational model
and secular approach of culture based curriculum design and the likes have bee
recommended as remedies.
Ethiopian Common Social Values in Civic, and Ethical Education Curriculum