Analysis of Infant Mortality in the Vicinity of Jimma Zone
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Addis Abeba university
111ere has been an explosion of interest in fhe (oialysi,;' o{s/o·j,(vl!l'dCa'a in'the' Ihl"t 35 );e{o\,
which is resulting in the development of many nell' theoretical ideas (md usejitl methods,
specially in the study of the relationship between survival times and explonat01:l' variables,
111C application of survival data analysis is common in different fields ranging fj-om
Economics to Engineering. The value of survival analysis techniques is wide in medical
statistics. The focus o.f this thesis is on the application of survival data analysis to the data
generatedfj-om epidemiological study conducted/i-om 1992 to 1994 in Jimll1a, Keffct-Sheka
and Iliubabour zones,
J\lethodological procedures to handle problell1s originated fj-OIl1 surviml data are given
briefly. A review on determinal1fS o.f hlfcll1t survival/i-om related studies is made. The main
objectives o.f the thesis are to determine the survival pattel'l1 up to first birthday and
investigate the possible risk factors that contribute most to the early mortality.
Demographic, socioeconomic, Environmental status, health service usage and traditional
practice indicator variables are considered. The basic Cox regression model is/iffed to get
the effect of a variable, a({justedfor other variables, Results are given both in numerical
estimates and graphical presentations where applicable.
The descriptive analysis shows that neonatal mortality rate is 26.6 pel' 1000 live births,
postnatal mortality rate is 73,1 per 1000 live births, and the overall 111fant Mortality Rate
(IMR) is 101,9 pel' 1000 live births. The cumulative survival probabilities are
().9855(.\·.e~O.{)013). 0.9736(s.e~0.0018), O. 9039(.1. e. =0.(033) for days 7, N! and 36{),
The final Cox's regression model sholl's that breastIeeding practice, \'{{ccination status at
birth. weight at birth. .klll/ily size, death of previous children, sex of {[Ii iJ?fant, maternal age,
marital status, visit to maternal clinic, sll'allowing blllter, place of deliveJ}" and availability
of latrine facility are significaJ1lly important variables in determining iJifaJ7fs' chance of
survival. Analysis by age of iJ?fams sholl'S that socioeconomic and environmental variables
are iJif/uential at later ages of life. Also analysis by place of residence sholl'S that the effect
-of these variables is important only at urban areas.
Finally, relevant discussion is made and possible recommendations are given according~l'
to interested policy makers and/i'ont-line health workers.
Mortality in the Vicinity