The Role of E-government in Enhancing Performances of Public Service Qualities and Promoting Good Governance: With Special Reference of Document Authentication and Registration Agency
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Addis Ababa University
This research has emphasized on “The Role of E-governmnet in Enhancing Performances of Public
Service Qualities and Promoting Good Governance”. The research has used explantory research
type and both quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data were analyzed using multiple
linear regression model, one way annova and correlations coefficients to test hypothesis and
quanlitative data were anlyzed using five steps (Compiling, disassembling, reassembling,
interprating and concluding) of data. All data were gained from questionnaire, key informants
interview, structured observation and secondary data to achieved its objective.
The advancements in the field of Public administration and ICT have opened up huge
opportunities for government to transform their operation and services delivery system. E-
government is a paradigm shift over traditional public administration aimed at rendering of
governmnet services and information to the public using electronic channels. While, government
organizations have faced great levels of uncertainity in deploying and providing E-government
services because of the complexity of technology, deeply entrenched organizational routines, and
great diversity in the acceptance of technology by individuals.
This study has explored that; successful E-government implementation has very posetive effects
on improving public service quailities and promoting good governance in public sectors. Again
the findings reveaved that botleneckes for succesful implemnetations were (poor leadership
commitement and knowledge gap, poor IT skills and Customers awareness gap, public sectors
preffere to stayed with traditional service delivery mechanisms, poor websirte, design, features
and contents, unaligned sectorial E-service platform implemntations). This study has forwarded
as recommendations (public sectors have transform traditional service delivery to interoperability
systems using ERP, build up leadership commitments, increase customers’/citizens awaremness
level and IT skill, improve website feature, dessign and contents
Registration agency