Magnetic Field Decay Due to Gravitational Radiation in Neutron Star
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Addis Ababa University
In this thesis, magnetic _eld decay due to gravitational radiation in neutron
star (NS) is theoretically studied. By considering the inuence of the
\dynamo mechanism"on the generation of a strong magnetic _eld in NS.
A NS formed as a large star die in a type II supernova, and their magnetic
_elds during formation is 1012 Gauss and 1015 Gauss for both magnetars
and pulars, respectively. But their magnetic _eld is decreased. Thus, this
study focuses on by how much does the magnetic _eld decay using the
mathematical calculation of decay law equation. Based on our _ndings,
we have two results. The _rst result shows that, the magnetic _eld of a
rotating NS depends only on the decaying time since the moment of inertia
is constant. The second result also shows, the magnetic _eld of a rotating
NS depends on the decaying time and rotational frequency since moment
of inertia varies as a function of rotational frequency. The variation in
moment of inertia causes to the variation in braking index as a function of
rotational frequency. Thus, the quadrapole magnetic _eld is decaying for
positive _ and increased for negative _ , respectively.
Magnetic Field, Gravitational Radiation, Neutron Star