The Migration of Ethiopian Female Domestic Workers to Arab Countries : With Special Reference to R eturnees
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Addis Ababa University
This study is about the migration offemale domestic workers from Ethiopia to Arab countries
of the Middle East. It tries to explore the causes of migration, the channels used by domestic
workers to exit from the country and the difficulties these labour migrants face in destination
areas. The study further looks into the prevention mechanisms available to protect the women
from abuse and exploitation. Finally, it touches upon the rehabilitation of returnees who
sustained physical and psychological traumas in the course of migration and in destination
areas. The study draws on international labour theories and qualitative research approach.
Snowball and purposive sampling techniques have been employed to select study
participants. The data gathering tools used to obtain relevant information are ; In-depth
interview, Focus Group discussion and Key Informant interview . A total of thirty-eight
individuals have participated in the study including twenty returnee domestic workers, five
key informants from government and non-governmental organization, and thirteen private
empl oyment agencies.
The finding of the study is that migration to the Arab countries has little contributio n in
sustainable alleviating economic problems of female domestic workers. For majority of the
returnees, it even complicated their life adding new difficulties. The study also revealed that
compared to female domestic workers who work on contractual basis, freelancers are less
exposed to abuses and exploitation. Finally it was found that very little done by government
and other concerned parties on prevention part to protect the domestic workers from abuse
and exp loitation and on rehabilitation of the victims. There is a need for soc ial work
interventi on and protection of the women from further abuse and exploitation.
Key Words: International migration, Domestic work, JIlegal Migration, Legal
Migration, Migrants, trafficking, Ethiopian Women.
International migration, Domestic work, JIlegal Migration, Legal Migratio, Migrants, trafficking, Ethiopian Women