Determinants of Household Food Security with a Particular focus on Rainwater Harvesting: the case of Bulbula in Adami-Tulu Jido Kombolcha Woreda, Oromia Region
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Addis Ababa University
This study was conducted with the objectives of assessing the status and determinants offood
security. to examine the contribution of RWH for food security and to explore practices and
challenges of R WH in the study area. To that effect. primQly data of the household survey
and secondary data was used. The study area was selected through a multi-stage purposive
sampling technique. In addition. simple random and purposive sampling techniques were
used to select respondents and key informants and focus group discussion respectively. For
analysis purpose the study employed both qualitative and quantitative. Basically. for the
qualitative data analysis triangulation method was used whereas for the quantitative data
descriptive statistics (percentage. mean. SD). bivariate and multivariate analyses were used.
To decide the food secured and insecure households 2100Kcal was taken as a cut off point on
the bases of 14-days food consumption of the households. Accordingly. 65% of the
households were found to be food secured whereas 35% food insecure. The result Fom
multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that age. labor and market accessibility
have shown significant and negative effect to food security whereas cultivable land size.
fertilizer utilization. engagement to R WH and the interaction effect between education status
and income categOlY have shown significant and positive role for food security.
Furthermore. the result Fom the qualitative data indicated that the overall trend of R WH
adoption in the Woreda was found to be declined from time to time. However. a recel7l
development around Bulbula shows an increase in the self-initiated adopters ' in RWH. The
finding of the study forther revealed the challenges for the adoption of RWH to be
institutional. technological and adopter's financial limitation Thus. policy programming
should be based on the rudimentQlY of the precise determinants offood security status and
alleviation of challenges for the adoption of RWH. Further consecutive. rigorous and
intensive research in this area clearly called for by the finding of the study
determinants of food security.