Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding COVID-19 Transmission among Health Care Workers at TASH Operating Theater
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Addis Abeba University
Background: The COVID 19 was announced to be a worldwide pandemic by the WHO on March
eleven, 2020. It introduced serious work-related health risks to the HCPs owing to their frequent
exposure to infected persons. Protection of HCPs and prevention of intra-hospital transmission of
infection are important aspects in epidemic response and this requires that HCPs must have updated
knowledge regarding the source, transmission, symptoms, and prevention of COVID-19. Having poor
knowledge, poor practice and negative attitude toward the disease among HCPs could result in a negative
impact in the supportive treatment and, worsen the spread of the pandemic
OBJECTIVE: The main purpose of this study was to assess Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice
Regarding Covid-19 Transmission among Health Care Workers who work in TASH Operating Theater.
Methods: Cross-sectional study was conducted on September 2020 among 261 HCW who were selected
by a stratified sampling technique. Pretested structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Data were
entered and analyzed using SPSS version 26. Variables with a p-value < 0.05 were used as significantly
associated with the dependent variable.
Result: A total of 261 HCW had participated in the study with a 100% response rate. The majority of the
respondents were male (69.7%) with a median age of 30 (range 23-63) years. The mean knowledge score
was 81.11 % (i.e. 11.3554 out of 14 with SD=1.52). The mean attitude score was 68 %( i.e. 6.8 out of 10
with SD=1.32) with sixty-five percent point five (65.5%) of the respondents have an overall positive
attitude. the occupation was the only variable significantly associated with knowledge and attitude. The
total mean practice score is 45.36% (i.e. 4.08 out of 9 SD= 1.6); with no statistically significant
heterogeneity across socio-demographic, IP training status, knowledge, and practice. Most (54.8 %) of
the respondents scored below the mean (45.36 %)
Conclusion: In this study, around half of HCWs have good knowledge and two-third of HCWs have a
positive attitude score towards COVID-19 transmission. The total mean practice score and those who
scored above the mean are both below 50% which shows having poor practice. The occupation was the
only independent variable with a significant association with knowledge and attitude.
COVID-19 Transmission , Health Care Workers