Factor affecting teachers‘ motivation in government primary schools of Oromia special zone in LagaTafo Laga Dadi Administration town
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Addis Ababa University
The objective of this study was to assess the major challenges that affect teachers’ motivation. The study used the research design of mixed approach, which addresses both qualitative and quantitative aspects and variables. There were six government primary school in Laga Tafo Laga Dadi administrative town. All six schools were used as sample. After selecting the sample schools, the respondents of each unit were selected accordingly. This is, from the total of one hundred sixteen teachers of the sampling schools, ninety (90) teachers were selected by using the formula of (known number of population size) (Yemane, 1967). Relevant data had collected from 80 respondents selected as sample of this study from governmental schools by questionnaire because questionnaire had the ability to collect a large amount of information in a reasonably quick space of time. Interview used from six school principals because interview is one of the most important sources of data and defines the interview as a two-way conversation that gives the interviewer the opportunity to participate actively in the interview and focus group discussion from six educational experts as well as four primary schools supervisors because focus groups could be used to collect shared understanding from several individuals as well as to get views from specific people .The collected data analyzed properly where results also tabulated and depicted in bar and pie charts. Based on the findings of the study, majority 72 (90%) of respondents stressed that teachers were low paid servants with no adequate incentives. To conclude the findings, teachers’ job satisfaction and school performance challenged as a result of different factors such as, low salary, lack of reward, lack of recognition, poor infrastructure and facility, lack of professional related training. Therefore, it would be recommended that government and concerned bodies should give priority and attention for the education sector, which is the huge source of human capital for the country. It should be taken into account that growth and prosperity of our country is unexpected without the effort of educated and well-qualified generation.
Key words: Incentives, Motivation, Quality education, Salary, Reward, Teachers
Incentives, Motivation, Quality education, Salary, Reward, Teachers