The Effect of Training and Development on Organizational Performance: Employee Commitment as Mediator Variable.
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The research was focused on the effect of training and development on organizational performance by
using employee commitment as mediating variable. With the rising of new technology, national
strategy, national policy, and short term and long term organizational plan the knowledge and skill of
concerned employees in service organizations should be competent and inculcate excellent
performance via contentious training and development on selective types of training like technical,
interpersonal, problem solving, ethical skill and organizational learning. This study was needed to
answer the gap on which types of training and development should organizations has focused on
generating commitment that provides good performance in Addis Ababa city administration revenue
authority and trade bureau. The research was aimed to know the mediating effects of employee
commitment between training and development, and organizational performance. The quantitative
approach and descriptive research design in which the data was collected using questionnaires with a
convenience nonprobability sampling technique was applied. SPSS and process macro that developed
by DR. Andrew Hayes was employed analysis part. Indeed, all independent variables have positively
correlated with mediators and dependent variables. The finding from regression analysis indicates
that R2 value is 0.382 which suggests that almost 38.2% change in the value of outcome Variable is
explained by Independent Variable. The unstandardized indirect mediation analysis report, training
and development on organizational performance via mediating role of affective commitment was
0.0435 and was statistically significant(given that zero does not fall between the confident interval
0.0124, 0.0786).and the mediating effect normative commitment was 0.0326 and statistically
significant or zero does not fall between the confidence interval 0.003, 0.633 and also a direct effect
has 0.0955 coefficient and statistically significant at a p-value of 0.00. The total effect was the sum of
the two parallel indirect effects 0.0435 + 0.0326 = 0.0761 which is statistically significant because
zero was not fallen between 0.026, 0.1115 and is interpreted as both affective and normative
commitments can play mediating effect between training and development and organizational
performance. Finally, the statistical significance of direct and indirect effects results in partial
mediation. The research can contribute to governmental organizations by indicating the mediating
results of employee commitment while providing interpersonal, technical, problem-solving, ethical
skill training, and organizational learning.
training and development, employee commitment, organizational performance