Predictors of Women’s Post Abortion Adjustment: The Case of Selected Health Care Institutions in Addis Ababa City
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Addis Ababa University
The psychological impact of abortion is a controversial issue, while some studies indicate the women difference in psychological and social status have factor for their cope up ability. The psychological theories can be used to predictor of post abortion adjustment. This study examined the status of abortion seeking women and identified the association level and strength of self-efficacy and social support as predictors. The participant were 96 women with different age, education, economic and etiology of abortion status. The study deployed quantitative method by assessing pre-and post-status of women. The scales were impact of event scale(revised), multi-dimensional perceived social support and general self-efficacy. Result of the study revealed that the women who perceived high level of social support and high level of self-efficacy had good post abortion adjustment in addition self-efficacy and social support had high association with post abortion adjustment. Especially self-efficacy was high predictor for post abortion adjustment. Finally, depending on the study finding, social support and self-efficacy are very crucial for women’s post abortion adjustment. There is also interrelation among self-efficacy and social support, women that got high social support their self-efficacy level also increases and it helps to have high post abortion adjustment.