Determinants of Voluntary Hiv Counseling And Testing Among Addis Ababa University Undergraduate Final Year Students
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Addis Ababauniversity
HIV/AIDS has become the most devastating global epidemic the world has ever faced and highly
affecting the young and economically active segment of the population. Effective behavioral change
communication (BCC) strategies need to be designed to rescue the future development force of the nation.
Thus, VCT for HIV is included as one of the strategy for HIV / AIDS prevention in HIV / AIDS policy, yet
very little is known about what determines VCT services. This study attempts to identify determinants of
Voluntary HIV counseling and test ing among Addis Ababa University undergraduate final year Students.
The study design was cross-sectional, including both quantitative and qualitative methods. Using multistage
sampling technique comprising a total of 860 Students were selected. Quantitative data were
collected through self administered questionnaire information on background characteristics of
respondents, cognitive determinants and psychological and system related determinants. In addition, four
focus group discussions were a lso conducted to generate the qualitative data required to substantiate the
statistical finding.
The collected data were ed ited, entered and cleaned with SPSS computer software. The data were
summarized, analyzed and organized using tables and texts (descriptive) also used bivariate analysis to
show the association between variables and binary logistic regression model used to show the impact of
different determinants ofVCT by controlling different confounders.
The result of the study showed that students were found to be high knowledge of HIV AIDS transmi ss ion
and prevention and all respondents heard about VCT, also most of the respondents non stigmatizing
towards PLWHA and most of them favorab le attitude towards VCT serv ice. Thus, the prevalence of HIV
testing was found to be 39.7%.
The major finding in logistic regression model showed that marital status, childhood place of residence,
life time sexual partner, perceived confidentiality of VCT serv ice, willingness to take VCT before
marriage, stigma and discrimination and attitude towards VCT were found the key determinants of
practicing VCT. While, HIV testing was not determined by sex, religious affiliation and felling being at
risk of HIV infection. Regarding intention to take VCT in the future the key determinants were identi fied
as, marital status, number of lifetime sexual partner, willingness to take VCT before marri age, care for
PLWHA and ever use ofVCT in the past were found the determining factors while willingness to test in
the future was not determined by sex, age, religious affi liation, childhood place of residence, felling being
at risk ofHIV infection and perceived confidentiality ofVCT services.
The results indicated that despite obstacles to VCT and issues surrounding HIV testing, further
in formation, education and communication program and awareness raising with regard to HlV/AIDS and
gradual scaling up ofVCT service, encouraging marriage and reduce stigma and discrimination should be
Testing Among Addis Ababa University