An Assessment of The Leadership Practice of Bunna Bank Leaders

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Leadership regulates whether an association, a country or a collection will accomplish its goals and also gratify the admirers’ desires. Consequently, the objective of this investigation was “to assess of the Leadership Style of Bunna Bank leaders”. In order to encounter the purposes of this research, the examination was undertaken using qualitative technique and the associations planned in the outline was analyzed using descriptive statistics research technique. The intended population of this research was employees of Bunna Bank S.C headquarter and selected branches, with 278 populations. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select 260 employees’ respondents. The primary data was collected from the sampled population of the Bank by using Likert scale type questioner as measuring instrument. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 22 version. The major variable of the investigation is the exercise of management style i.e., transformational leadership, transactional leadership, and laissez Faire leadership in the Bank. The examination found that the leadership style in place by leaders of Bunna bank inclines to be a combination of the aforementioned three major leadership styles. The leadership approach has significant contribution for employees’ performance. Leader using the transactional leadership style the leadership approach applied by Bunna Bank incline to be further of transformational though there is a sentimentality of a laissez-faire and transactional at periods. Furthermore, the study has also exposed that there is a combination of supplementary leadership styles detected


