Auditing internal communication Satisfaction: the case of Arba Minch University.
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Addis Ababa University
This study was designed to be conducted on auditing internal communication satisfaction of the Arba Mich University. The mixed research methodology was employed with an explanatory sequential design. Quantitative data were collected first and followed qualitative data to explain the quantitative result. Samples were taken through simple random and purposive sampling techniques. The data collection tools were questionnaires and interviews. The randomly selected three hundred twenty-seven respondents from the employees of Arba Minch University participated. By analyzing the data collected from the employees, the researcher has found out that the employees were in low-level communication satisfaction. According to the findings, gender, sex, and years of experience don’t have a significant difference in the communication satisfaction of the employees. Also, the average mean value of the whole communication dimensions scored below the midpoint and it was in between somewhat dissatisfied and indifferent. Beyond the adopted measurement instrument, supervisor’s communication competence, communication facility, and social media communication are the newly emerged variables under this study. The adopted communication satisfaction questionnaire didn’t include these variables but, found as very important parameters of auditing communication satisfaction.
Key words: Internal Communication, Communication satisfaction, Communication audit.
Internal Communication, Communication satisfaction