Seroprevalence of Contagiuos Caprine Pleuropnemonia in Borana and Gujilow Lands Southern Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


A multi tage cr s ti nal erologicul study, que Ii nrHllr survcy and particip I ry apprai al were nducted n c ntagiou caprinc plcuropn umonia ( ' PI' fr m r. 2 07 to pril, 200 orana and uji 10\.\land , .'outh rn i-:.thiopiu. to determin the pn.:valcn of th id ntif) the ri k fact rs for the curren e of the di. ca ' and t a s th p~rception of the c mmunity on PP in parti ular and th r goat di . e in general. t tal f 951 erum sampl 900 from goats and 51 from h ep) were lIe ted and te ted u mg omplem nt Fixati n Te t ( FT). Que tionnaire ur ey were condu ted with 69 rand mly I cted hou ehold . Participatory di ea apprai al wa d ne \\ ith 12 in~ rmant gr up ' in 12 differ nt village th group size varying fr m 5-12 informant and with a t tal f 120 in~ rmant. ut of the 900 goat sera samples te ted 119 (13.2%) w re erop iti\e for PP, giving an overall seroprevalence of 13.2 % (95% I 11.0%-15.4%) in th tudyarea. r pr ",alence of 18.3% (95% 1=14.3%-22.7%), 11.6% (95% 1- 8%-15.2%) and 9.6% (950 /0 I 6. %-12.6% w re recorded in Liban, Teltale and Moyale District, re p ctively. h er pre\alenc rec rded among the district was significantly difD rent (p<0.05). Th r preval nc re orded in iban district was significantly different from that of Moyal Di trict (p<0.05). M r \ er, ut of 1 sheep samples tested, 3 (5.9%) wer eropo iti e. tati tical anal) i limed ri k fa tor howed that the roprevalence ob erved in ag gr up . fl ck ize gr up and di tan fr m et rinary service ntre were found t b ignificantl differ nt (p<O.O). lultivariat I gi tic r gre ion analysi on the a umed ri k factor how d that ag , flock ize and di tan from veterinary rvice c ntre wer th major ri k fa t r for the ccurr nc f th di ea e in th ar a with dd ratio 1.11-_._9) nd 1.4 (950/0 I 1.03- 1.9 ), r p cti ely. ntact at wat ring pint., r t cking. la k f \' t rinar), rvice, c nta t at grazing and larg fl k iz were identified t be th major fa t r [! r th pr ad and urrenc f the di ea in the ar a. Participat r) di ea apprai - 1 ha indicated that th c mmunit ha g d knowl dge ab ut c ntagi u caprine pleur pn umonia and ther g at di that th indig nou kn wI dg of the pa t ral c mmunit c uld bud compl menlaril with th onventi nal di a e inve tigati n Ie hniquc in th ar a. In c nelu i n. th er I gical finding, qu ti nnair urve) and participat ry apprai al have indi ated that ntagi 11 caprin XII plcuropncuffi nia was the top l11uj r oat he'llth pr bl m in tll whi h w mUll ppr priatc mc' sun.:s to b . in place to\',ard . the pr vention and c ntr I th di in th tudY 'lrcas. Key UJortl.~ : Borcma and Guji luw/anci ~ C PPI/:.(I/iopia/ Parlicipalury ppmial/Risk fac/orsi. 'eroprevlIlence.



Borcma and Guji luw/anci ~ C PPI/:.(I/iopia/ Parlicipalury ppmial/Risk fac/orsi. 'eroprevlIlence
