Assessment of the Determinants of Modern Contraceptive Use in a Dawro Community, SNNPRS

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Addis Ababa University


This study was conducted in Mareka woreda SNNPR, Dawro zone. Mareka woreda was one of the rural woredas in short of basic infrastructures like road and telecommunications until recently. A cross-sectional survey with multi-stage cluster sampling was under taken to assess the determinants of modern contraceptive use in 733 childbearing age women. Crude odds ratio was calculated to see the association between MCs and independent variables. 95% CI and p.value were used to assess the degree of statistical association and multiple logistic regressions was also employed to control for confounding. Religion, ethnic group, residence and marital duration were among the socio-demographic variables analyzed and were not found significant. Age of the respondents and family size were found good predictors of contraceptive use. Women with a family size of >10 members were nine times more likely to use contraceptives than those women who had one to five family members. Proxy-socio-economic indicators like radio and ox/oxen possession and occupation were not significant predictors of contraceptive utilization in this study. But perceived economy of medium to rich was associated with less use 0f contraceptives. Reproductive factors like history of number of pregnancy a woman had was not determinant of contraceptive use. Number of Infant loss, number of abortion, and number of live births were also not associated with contraceptive use. History of abortion, and age at first pregnancy of women were found to associate negatively with contraceptive utilization. Where women who ever had abortion use contraceptives less likely as compared to those who didn’t have history of abortion and vii women who started to become pregnant in their later age use contraceptives more likely than those who started early. In this study decision on and communication about family planning use was a predictor of contraceptive use and couples who used to decide on and communicate about family planning were found to use contraceptives more likely than those who did not.



Modern Contraceptive, SNNPRS

