The Practice and Challenges of Female Students' School Based Tutorial Program in Selected General Secondary Schools of Kobo Woredas in North Wollo Zone.
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of the study was to investigate the practice and challenges of
female students school based tutorial program in selected general
secondary schools in kobo Wordas No/th Wollo Zone, The method
employed was descriptive survey, A total of 301 respondents from the
three selected schools, female student parents and woreda education
office experts were used as sources of data. The instruments employed
were questionnaire, interview, class room observation and documents
related to female s tudents' tutorial program, The study reveled that
teachers in the sample schools use tutorial program to support female
s tudents in their leaming. Female s tudents' tutorial program is not
supported by female student parents, Female student p a rents had no
meaningful involvement in f emale s tudents' tutorial program, Female
students tutorial program is organized by teachers and evaluated by
school principals. Woreda Education Offices are not actively involved in
female students' tutorial program, School- parent relationship is poor.
Female student parents are not happy to send their daughters to the
tutorial program. Female s tude nts did not attend tutorial program
regularly. Developing strong relations hip between the school and female
student parents, evaluation by school principals and woreda education
experts of the program, using guide line and creating awareness for female
s tudent parents are recommended to improve the practice of school based
f emale students tutorial program.
Challenges of Female Students' School Based Tutorial Program