Fuzzy Programming Approach to Multilevel Linear Programming Problems
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Addis Ababa,University
Multilevel programming is characterized as mathematical programming to solve
decentra lized planning problems with multiple decision make rs in a hie rarchical
organization. They become morc important fo r contemporary decentralized organization
where each unit or department seeks its own interests. In this report we have considered a
multi level programming problem and applied fu zzy mathematical programming (FMP)
approach to obtain the solution of the system. We have suggested FMP method for the
minimization of the objectives using linear membership functions. FMP is a supervised
sea rch procedure (supervised by the higher level decision maker (OM)). The higher level
OM provides the preferred values of decision va ri a bles under his control (to enable the
lower level OM to search for his optimum in a wider feas ible space) a nd the bounds of his
o bjective function (to direct the lower level OM to search for his solutio ns in the right
directio n) .
Fuzzy Programming