AfCFTA: Its Challenges and Prospects for the Realization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa
The Agreement of AfCFTA, which was signed by Ethiopia on the 21st day of March, 2018 and
ratified by the FDRE House of Peoples Representatives at its session held on the 21st day of
March, 2019, has been recently launched in the country. Ethiopia has also adopted, in 2015,
the UN’s Agenda 2030 on the sustainable development, which has 17 different goals.
The implementation of AfCFTA agreement has prospects and challenges on the realization of
sustainable development goals (SDGs) for the continent and for each State Party to the
Agreement. In this regard, the prospects and challenges of membership of Ethiopia to AfCFTA
on the realization of the SDGs of Agenda 2030 must be studied to use the potential benefits
and minimize the possible challenges. Hence, the paper critically analyzes the prospects and
challenges of membership of Ethiopia to AfCFTA agreement on the realization of selected
SDGs of the UN’s Agenda 2030 (i.e., G2, 8 & 13).
AfCFTA, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Challenges and Prospects, Ethiopia