Documentation of Misha-Misho Festival in Finoteselam
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Addis Ababa University
"Misha misho" is a religion - based festival which is performed once a year
by children whose ages are approximately six to fifteen irrespective of their
gender. Although the festi val begins on the Good Friday (two days earlier
Easter), the preparation begins some days before and the festivity continues
for a week.
This research was conducted to document purpose on the cu ltural practices
of misha misho (children's festival) in Finoteselam. The study consists of
four chapters.
In the first chapter, statement of the problem, the objective of the study,
the significance of the study, etc. are discussed, and the basic concepts and
definitions of basic terms and the critical analysis are stated in the second
chapter. In the third chapter the methods that the researcher used to
document misha misho are discussed. Observation, interview and secondary
sources were used to co llect data. During observation and interview, the
researcher used audio and video recorders.
The fourth chapter contains the collected songs of misha misho and the
cultural practices and activities performed in relation to the festival. The
historica l background of misha misho is presented, and the obtained resu lts
are also analyzed in this chapter. The results are analyzed qualitatively.
The researcher found out that misha misho is a highly endangered children's
festival. Consequently, the study at the end summarizes the research
findings and suggests possible recommendations on what the concerned
bodies should do to transfer the songs of misha misho and practices from
generation to generation.