The involvement of Students with Physical Disabilities in Physical Education Practical Classes: Pedagogical Challenges and Opportunities (The Case of Secondary Schools of North Shoa Zone, Oromia Regional State)
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Addis Ababa University
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the existing practice as well as
pedagogical challenges and opportunities of students with physical disabilities
(orthopedic, visual, and hearing impairments) in physical education (PE) regular
practical classes in secondO/y schools of North Shoa Zone of Oromia Regional State. It is
also aimed at suggesting possible recolllmendations that help to improve the level of
involvement of these students in the PE practical classes. Mixed (qualitative and
quantittive) approaches of research were utilized in this study. The study sample included
a total of 123 subjects which means 94 students with physical disabilities, 14 PE
teachers, 10 secondary school principals, and 5 educational bureau experts ji-om woreda,
zone and region. Data were collected ji-om the subjects through well prepared
instruments such as questionnaires, interview guides and observation checklist. Data
ji-om the sets of questionnaires were organized and analyzed quantitatively with the help
of ji-equency, percentage and mean where as data fi'ol1l in-depth interviews and practical
field observations were analyzed qualitatively. Results of the study showed that, the
exclusion of students with physical disabilities ji-om PE practical classes, effort made by
teachers to crate effective inclusive PE was found velY low, low level of awareness of
stakeholders like school principals, educational officials, 'normal' peer groups, parents
and others about the participation of the target students in PE practical classes so that
their support and encouragement to the issue raised was found discouraging. Teachers
training, curricululII materials and the required facilities and equipments were also fOllnd
inadequate. Moreover, the target students faced psycho-social challenges due to isolation
ji-om their 'normal' peers during PE practical classes. On the other hand, students with
physical disabilities showed their interest to learn every aspect of PE. Thus, it was
concluded that, the ongoing practice of students with physical disabilities in the practical
session of PE seems to be unfair and out of the purpose of inclusive education that was
designed to provide equal education without discrimination on the basis of race, color,
sex, physical conditions or other opinions. Finally, based on the findings and conclusion
of the study, it was recommended that, awareness creation strategy should be designed to
the whole stakeholders so that they could support and encourage inclusiveness of PE in
the regular schools. Curriculum materials for PE should be improved in order to address
the special needs of students with various disabilities. PE teachers should be provided
relevant training and they need to be innovative, flexible, creative, willing and capable of
initiating participato/y inclusive PE. Further more, schools should have the correct data
of students with disabilities along with their disability types in order to help thenl
effectively in the inclusive educational setting ill general and in the inclusive PE practical
classes in particular.
Physical Disabilities in, Physical Education Practical Classes